Monday, March 23, 2020

Chem Lab Report Analysis Essay Example

Chem Lab Report Analysis Paper Methods used to achieve goals (physical properties and chemical properties f 3 components in the mixture and the 4 physical methods and 1 chemical method) In this experiment, the separation methods were declination, filtration, evaporation and extraction. Declination is a process to separate a solid from a liquid by slowly pouring, to allow the solid to settle to the bottom of the mixture. Filtration (physical) is the separation of a solid from a liquid by pouring the supernatant liquid in a piece of filter paper that drains in a beaker. The solid passed through the filter paper is the filtrate and the remaining solid that did not go through the filter paper is also known as the residue. Evaporation is the separation from a solvent from a solution by heating. The remaining residue is the substance dissolved in the solvent. Extraction (chemical) is the separation process used when only one component of a mixture is soluble in a solvent. Once the solvent is added, the insoluble components can be recovered by removing the solvent using declination or filtration. Tell results of project. Chem Lab Report Essay Sample Background Do not talk about procedure The main goal of the project is The theory behind physical methods to separate components that are mixed together is†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ The four physical separation methods that were used was connation, filtration, evaporation and extraction. The theory behind chemical methods to separate components that are mixed together The difference between a physical method and a chemical method is†¦.. Physical method is a separation when one solution becomes two or more solutions. Chemical method is when the chemical composition of only one part of the solution changes and allows new physical properties from liquid to solid. We will write a custom essay sample on Chem Lab Report Analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Chem Lab Report Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Chem Lab Report Analysis specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Chem Lab Report Chem Lab Report Chem Lab Report Table of physical and chemical properties of the components in the mixture. .(Table 1, pig. 64) Physical Chemical Compound reacts w/ MM HCI Isis NO Niacin No Yes lobule in H2O NO cacao Yes Equation for percent recovery and percent error. It is important to calculate each one because†¦.. Experimental Procedural Preparing the Mixture for Separation 1 . Collected an unknown combination of Isis (sand), Niacin (salt), and Cacao (Calcium carbonate). Recorded the identification code. 2. Measured and recorded the mass of a 150 ml beakers #1 and #2 separately. 3. Measured and recorded the mass of the contents. Then, measured and recorded the mass of beaker #1 with measurements between 2. 50 g and 3. 00 g of mixed contents. Set aside beaker #2 for later. Recovering the NCAA 1 . Poured 50 ml of distilled water into a graduated cylinder, and slowly added water to the mixture in beaker #1. Stirred with glass stirring rod for 2 minutes dissolving NCAA. 2. The gravity filtration assembly is needed for the next step. Folded the filter paper and placed it in the filter, set the filter in beaker #2 touching the inside of the glass. Used the gravity filtration assembly with a 150 ml beaker underneath it, to separate the NCAA from the Isis and Cacao. . Added all of supernatant liquid from beaker #1 into the filter. Used a wash bottle o rinse excess liquid from beaker # 1 into filter. Also, used a stirring rod and rubber policeman to help with the remaining contents. 4. Beaker #2 was then placed on a hot plate to boil until liquid evaporated leaving NCAA. With beaker tongs, removed beaker and turned hot plate off. Set beaker aside to cool. 5. Measured and recorded a clean evaporating dish. Then with filter paper, Isis, and Cacao with paper fully opened. The filter paper is no longer needed. 6. Decanted the remaining water into a 1 ml beaker, being careful not to lose any NCAA. Then poured into the drain with running water. . Measured and recorded the mass of beaker #2 and NCAA, it is then no longer needed. 8. Beaker #1, #2, and stirring rod was then washed with distilled water twice. Beaker #1 was dried and set aside for later use in the experiment. Recovering the Isis. 1 . Using a dry graduated cylinder added 8 ml of MM HCI with acid slowly to the Isis, and Cacao in the evaporating dish. Then stirred with a stirring rod until there is no longer gas evolution. 2. Decanted the remaining supernatant liquid from evaporating dish into beaker The residue then rinsed with 5 ml of distilled water. Allow time for solid to sink to the bottom of the dish. Repeated three times, decanted the rinses into beaker #1. Saved the contents for later use in the experiment. 3. Used a 400 ml beaker and placed the evaporating dish with the Isis on the hot plate until water started to boil, in order for it to fully dry. Transferred the evaporating dish with crucible tongs to the resistant mat and turned off the hot plate. Measured and recorded the Isis after it had dried and cooled. Isis was then thrown away properly. 4. Retrieved beaker #1 that was set aside earlier in experiment, and placed it on the hot plate for 5 minutes. Beaker tongs were used to transfer the beaker to resistant mat. Immediately added 15 ml of 2 CHECK, and then stirred for 5 minutes. Set it aside to cool to room temperature Recovering the Cacao 1. Measured and recorded initialed clean dry watch glass with filter paper on top. 2. The gravity filtration assembly is needed for the next step. Folded the filter paper and placed it in the filter, set the filter in beaker #2 touching the inside of the glass. Used the gravity filtration assembly with a 150 ml beaker underneath it, to catch the filtered contents of Cacao. 3. Removed the items from the funnel and placed them on the watch glass. Used a 400 ml beaker and placed the evaporating dish with the Cacao on the hot plate until water started to boil, in order for it to fully dry. Transferred the evaporating dish with crucible tongs to the resistant mat and turned off the hot plate. After it cool to room temperature, measured and recorded watch glass, Cacao and filter paper. Results Data Observations I. Preparing the Mixture for Separation Identification code of unknown mixture beaker 1, g 77. Egg II. Recovering the NCAA mass of beaker 2 plus NCAA, g Recovering the Sis 2 mass of evaporating dish, g of evaporating dish plus Isis, g Cacao mass of watch glass, filter paper, g watch glass, filter paper, and Cacao, g Discussion 73. 68 g 34 mass of 75. 09 g mass of beaker 2, mass of beaker 1 plus mixture, g 74. 361 g 21. 23 g mass 22. 180 g IV. Recovering the 104. Egg mass of 105. Egg The separation of NCAA by extraction and filtration was possible because it is soluble in water, which means that it is able to be dissolved. Evaporation was used to recover the solid NCAA by boiling the salt water, leaving salt as the remaining result. Isis and Cacao was left on the filter paper after the first filtration. Chemical separation was needed to separate Isis from Cacao because they are insoluble in water. Added 8 ml of MM HCI was used for this separation. The chemical caused Cacao to change to Cacao. The balanced equation: An +CHI = Niacin When the 8 ml 3 M HCI was added to Cacao it changed it to Cacao. The carbon dioxide came out of the solution and caused it to bubble out. Cacao was the supernatant liquid that was in the evaporating dish with the sand after the chemical reaction took place. The liquid was separated from the sand by There was 15 ml of 2 CHECK was added to the supernatant liquid after it was decanted into a beaker and boiled for 5 minutes. The chemical was added in order to change it back to Cacao. The balanced equation: Cacao + CLC Cacao + H2O + CA When the chemical was added to the supernatant liquid it cased this to happen. Filtration was used to separate the products of this reaction because . When the NCAA was evaporated from the water, it splatter out of the beaker. This caused the NCAA to be lost, and the mass was decreased. The percent recovery: Niacin 25. 6% Isis 35. % Total Recovery: 36. 9% 98. % The percent recovery was below 100% because some of the NCAA was lost during the evaporation process. In order to evaporate all of the water the salt will start to pop out of the beaker. This is why the evaporation is the least effective of the methods. Conclusion The goals of this project was to separate the components of three mixtures sand, sodium chloride and calcium carbonate. Calculate the percentage by mass of each component, then calculate the percentage of each component recovered from the mixture. Show the concepts associated with physical and chemical properties of substances.

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